Congratulations to BGC's Regional Youth of the Year!


Over the last 3 years, Halla has played an active role within BGC London as a Club member, volunteer, and staff. She is passionate about tackling barriers that youth face nationwide, particularly racial stigma, which she advocates for as the Chair of the Multicultural Club at her school. By sharing her experiences, she helps others understand the positive effects of embracing and accepting people’s cultures.

Halla is an advocate at her Club through programs like Senior M.A.P., Life Skills Sessions, and the Youth Council Committee, as well as outside of her Club through BGC Canada’s National Youth Council. Her academic achievements, leadership skills, and dedication to her community were recognized with the Silver Anniversary Award—an achievement she is very proud of. Outside of work, Halla enjoys rugby, playing the flute, spending time with loved ones and traveling.

Halla is focused on personal growth and always improving.

As one of BGC Canada’s Youth of the Year, Halla aims to use her voice to positively impact her community and future generations.

We are so proud of Halla and we're excited to be a part of her journey!

Youth of the Year is a national initiative celebrating youth leadership and achievement at BGC Clubs across Canada. Youth of the Year aims to foster strong BGC ambassadors and build capacity for Clubs to support more youth leaders in their communities. Our Youth of the Year receive post-secondary scholarships, laptops, and prize packs, along with media and leadership training to prepare them as BGC ambassadors.

To learn more, visit BGC Canada's website here.

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BGC London x Canadian Red Cross